Saturday, November 18, 2017

Breaking the Good News

When there is great news to tell, time seems to hold still for a moment. Life takes a dramatic turn in that moment when the mission call is opened, or you get that phone call that your child is getting married, or that first grandchild is here. Life will never be the same after that news is told. 

And so it is with the four gospels. These writers knew that they were telling a shocking story that would change the course of history. The Messiah had been born in obscurity, lived an inspiring and sinless life and touched thousands. Then he was arrested and died an ignominious death, leaving his followers devastated. But just when all seemed lost, miracle of miracles, he came to life again and was seen in his resurrected state by hundreds of people. No wonder the word ‘gospel’ means good news- there has never been anything to equal it!

How would you choose to present these glad tidings of great joy? Let’s start with the earliest gospel, Mark, then follow with Matthew and Luke, and see how the gospel writers chose to break the news to all of us.

Mark's gospel could also be called the Memoirs of Peter. Peter was his mentor, and Mark recorded Peter's stories about the Savior as faithfully as possible. Matthew used that as his main content, and Luke also used much of Mark's gospel, adding to it his personal interviews with some of the great women in Christ's life. Together, these three "synoptic" gospels give us a multi-faceted view of the blessed Lord.

We will continue to meet every Wednesday at 10am at the LDS Cardiff chapel, with the exception of November 22, and December 20th, and 27th, when we will take off for the holidays. 

See you there!