Saturday, February 21, 2015

Stories Worth Telling and Retelling

First and Second Samuel, First and Second Kings and First and Second Chronicles overlap to some degree. All follow the narrative of the Israelite nation from the reign of the judges through the reign of the kings, to the division of the kingdom into two warring nations. It is interesting to see how the story is told each time, with some additions and some omissions.

This year I'm recording video lessons instead of writing blog posts, so I would invite you to watch them if you miss any classes., Marilyn Faulkner, Old Testament Studies. Also I have updated our reading schedule, so you may want to take a look at that. We are going to be moving through the material at a pretty good speed! Here is what is coming up in April/May:

April             7 - Isaiah
                   14 - Isaiah
                   21 - Jeremiah
                   28 - Lamentations/ Ezekiel

May              5 - Daniel - Obadiah
                   12 - Guest lecture: Rabbi Adam Wright, Temple Solel
                   19 - Malachi - Conclusion  

As you read, I'd invite you to think about how these stories apply to your life. We are each David, and face our own Goliaths. We are each Samuel, called by the Lord in a still, small voice. Do we hear? We are each Solomon, and God often gives us what we wish and lets us experience the consequences. As one philosopher said, "There are more tears shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones."

These vibrant stories are there, not only for our edification, but to be shared with our families. Do our children and grandchildren know their Bible stories? And if we don't tell them, who will?