Thursday, May 11, 2017

Summer Reading

The Old Testament is a big, long book, and we didn't quite get finished with it by the end of our course! I hope that you will read the rest of the text this summer. Meanwhile, I will be working on a book based on our class sessions, (The User-friendly Old Testament) and I will be recording some additional lessons for the YouTube channel. If you subscribe to the channel you will automatically get an email whenever a new lesson is posted. Here is the link: Del Mar Sisters in Scriptures.

And just in case you have a burning desire to learn even more about the Old Testament, I will be teaching at BYU Education Week again this year. There will be four new lectures on the Old Testament ~ now doesn't that sound more fun than a week on a lake somewhere? (Don't answer that.) If you can, join me August 21-25 for as much fun as you can possibly have while actually reading the scriptures!

Love to you and yours, and have a great summer!
